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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Avatar/Disney - I remain cautiously optimistic

Don't get me wrong... I hated Avatar. This was a mess of a movie with a re-tread of a story that had plot-holes big enough to drive one of those giant blue bison through. I haven't forgotten or forgiven James Cameron for his blue-monkey monstrosity.

That said, this is James Cameron we're talking here. The King of Geeks who thinks BIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGGGGG! This is a guy who paid for a mission to the Titanic so that he could shoot footage for his movie - then invented brand new 3-D cameras so that he could capture the experience better. James Cameron - Titanic, Aliens, True Lies, Terminator and Terminator 2 - yeah, that James Cameron.

So, what do I think of an Avatar and Disney hook up? I the idea. First of all, I have to remind myself that Avatar in Animal Kingdom is actually a good match. Second of all, I have to remind myself that a theme park is not a movie. My love or hate of Johnny Depp has no bearing on my love or hate of Pirates of the Caribbean as a ride. They are two very different things. Third of all, I can't wait to see what sort of Bat$?*t crazy things James Cameron and Disney are going to dream up for this theme park. I'm guessing that there won't be some freakin' princess themed dark ride, nor some lame out of the box roller coaster that has a picture of a blue monkey on the side. No, if anyone is going to bring the world of Avatar alive to be visited and explored, it will be James Freaking Cameron. And I'm okay with that...

You see, I actually thought the world of Avatar was pretty darn cool - before the story messed it up. I REALLY wanted to enjoy it. In fact, I can remember the first moment where my stomach lurched and I suddenly heard the alarm bells going off that perhaps this was going to be a rancid turd of a bad movie (Unobtanium... 'nuff said). But even after that moment, I kind of dug the world of Pandora.

Though I'm not really sure what part of my body I'm going to need to insert into the roller coaster ride in order to make it fly... (Eeeewwwww...)

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